only Republicans are dishonest??? Better question, why are politicians dishonest? Because dishonesty is one of the most effective tactics to move up in politics; it's a double edge sword though.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Why are Republican's so consistantly dishonest?
by Coded Logic init hasn't gone unnoticed that the republicans who are saying, "we need to get to the bottom of the obama wiretapping" and "let's investigate this" - are the same people, when it comes to trump's russian ties, who are saying, "we shouldn't look at this at all - it's just a bunch of lies and hype.".
no evidence whatsoever for claims about obama need a congressional investigation.
but mountains of evidence about trump with more coming out everyday can be swept under the rug.
never a jw
by TerryWalstrom ingetting fired vs quitting_________________________my specialties in life are great and many, but none more fabulous than the talent i've possessed for getting fired and/or quitting a many jobs and careers i blazed through would spin your head!
suffice it to say, more than you've time or patience to hear.. there is something in my psychology and verbal arsenal too prone toward candid criticism!
i find myself blurting out what i really think before even i can stop myself.i worked for an art gallery owner once who had everything going for him except good sense.
never a jw
I tend to be candid too. The story was too long, but I read enough to tell you that I would have fired you too.
The doubling of the price was simple and neat, but it had the problem of raising the price above what the potential buyer was willing to pay. I never care about 75% or 90% discounts, I care about the final amount. Your idea did not lower the dollar amount; your boss' idea did.
Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck" Berry October 18, 1926 – March 18, 2017
by glenster in
never a jw
Just like Jerry Lee Lewis, often in trouble with the law, but a great artist. In fact, they both were among the greatest. RIP Chuck Berry.
Uniting Church apologises to victims of sexual abuse, Jehovah's Witnesses defend treatment
by NikL inapologies if this has been posted already....
never a jw
You are just like your leaders, a complete asshole, who would find any irrelevant argument to excuse the inexcusable. It's obvious that the Watchtower's main goal is to hide child abuse at any cost, especially at the risk of harming and endangering innocent children.
The reason the Watchtower doesn't have employees is because they want to exploit instead of paying rightful wages. The reason the Watchtower doesn't have school is because they don't care about teaching practical and useful skills. They just want to exploit.
The bottom line is: who cares about the types of relationships of trust, There was a relation of trust in both cases, the Watchtower's and the Uniting Church's. The difference is most other religions have hearts and compassion, while your leaders... well... should I repeat it....why not ....they are callous assholes.
What do you think the Australian Government will do?
by Richard Oliver ini am not wanting to start a fight.
i just want to hear what people think.
honestly and realistically, what do you think the australian government will do, with watchtower, when they receive the full arc report?.
never a jw
I don't know what they will do. I only hope that the WT loses its charity status and the lawsuits start raining from everywhere so the Watchtower loses every penny that they have. One can only dream.
I wrote to Mr. Angus Stewart regarding the "inactive" status claims made by the Watchtower at the ARC
by EdenOne inthis is the email i have just sent to mr. stewart angus, who has been conducting the questioning of the jw leaders during the australian royal commission dealing with child abuse cases among the jehovah's witnesses, concerning the claims made that a jehovah witness who wishes to walk away from the organization can simply become inactive and avoid being shunned:.
dear mr. angus stewart,
i have followed with interest the videos of the arc regarding the jehovah's witnesses in australia.
never a jw
You might also mention the way parents will be threatened with loss of privileges in the congregation (being deleted as an elder or losing pioneer status) if they allow an adult child to continue living with them who has decided they no longer wish t attend meetings.
Elders can lose privileges for just allowing their children to attend higher education institutions too
This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe
by cofty insometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
never a jw
A big problem with believing in God is the lack of consistency. Take Christianity for example, there are thousands of denominations, each one claiming that all the other ones are wrong. Within each denomination, each Christian claims to know what God does and wants. My next door neighbor, for example, claimed that my parked car and house fence were totaled by a car driving out of control as punishment to me because I fail to comply with a ridiculous request of hers. Her example is the norm, not the rule. It's the narcissistic approach. She believes God disturbed the lives of police officers and insurance agents, not to mention the danger to the two persons in the car, just to please her desire for vengeance.
Oh I forget, I profited handsomely from that accident, I got a good payment for a car that I hated and kept about $15,000.00 after repairing the fence myself. I guess God was on my side, not hers.
At least atheists and agnostics who rely on science to guide their beliefs, have more consistency because they base their beliefs on evidence that everyone can agree on.
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
never a jw
Landy: It's a civil case - it's only about money.
I could only give one "like" to your comment, but that's not enough. You deserve few more.
The start of a rough patch ahead...
by confused3426 inlast night i told my mom my true feelings on the organization and what i've learned so far.
it all started from a conversation, we need to go visit the new headquarters.
my mom has been studying and just recently became an unbaptized publisher in the spanish cong.
never a jw
do you finally have enough and say forget it??
That's your choice. But I know what I would say: "the hell with it" regardless of the consequences. However, my life and personality may be very different from yours. Take it easy until you fully weigh all options.
Good thing is that the Latino culture pays a blind eye to the GB orders to shun family members, especially sons and daughters.
Does the Watchtower Bible Society own stocks. Nad are those stock related to military business?
by CitizenofEarth inhello.. i am a young 18 year old danish guy, who is a baptized jw.
since one year ago i have been maturing gradually and asking questions about many things, not only about jw stuff(which has caused some problems.
but nothing i couldnt handle with a bit of social skill).
never a jw
The military stocks, even if proven true, are the least of the Watchtower's problems. To this day, I am not even convinced that that allegation matters. What matter is all the other stuff that strongly suggests that the Watchtower runs a cult whose main interest is money. The Watchtower has deceived, abused, and exploited innocent people, who are willing to give up their dreams, their time, their money and their lives (literally and metaphorically) for these despicable leaders.